NameForgotten Ruin - The Adventure Wargame
EAN / ISBN9781802811315
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The battlefield has never looked like this!

A time of danger, a secret mission, mysterious tech, and now you and your platoon of rangers are in a strange world inhabited by orcs, sorcerers, and dragons!

Forgotten Ruin: The Adventure Wargame takes you to the strangest battlefield yet, pitting state-of-the-art firepower against fantastical monsters. Just hope the orc horde runs out before the ammunition does!

Based on the Forgotten Ruin book series, the rules are powered by the ‘Five X’ game system from Five Leagues from the Borderlands and Five Parsecs from Home, unleashing the same solo adventuring thrills. Command your squad while the game rules control your enemies as they move and fight. You can even play with a friend by splitting your squad into two fire teams or designating one of you to control the enemy like a Game Master.

This adventure wargame offers an exciting mix of tabletop tactics for miniature figures and randomly generated campaign play, providing a unique, story-rich experience.


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