Name | Yoroni: Kitsune Bakasu |
Artikelnummer | PBWYR704 |
EAN / ISBN | 5213009018722 |
Mehrwertsteuersatz | 19% |
Sprache | mehrsprachig |
Erscheinungstermin | 25.04.2025 |
Erstverkaufstag | 25.04.2025 |
Hersteller | Para Bellum Wholesale Ltd Inomenon Ethnon 48 6042 Larnaca Zypern https://www.para-bellum.com/contact-us/ |
Those Kitsune who embrace the spirit of water over the capricious nature of the wind are the closest the Yoroni have to a priesthood. Embracing the art of Kotodama, the power of names, these serene figures seek to allow those Yoroni who possess the enlightenment but lack the power to part the veil to do so through the inscription of their name. The more powerful the spirit, the more sturdy and lasting the summoning. For the least of them, the innumerable souls broken too far by the travails of the elemental hells, an incantation of their name allows them to peer into the prime Domain and make their presence felt, empowering allies and hexing foes as they manifest themselves making these figures much sought after on the field of battle, where one incantation can doom an enemy to misfortune or propel an ally into glory. HOW THEY PLAY: A Trickster and master of ambush, the Kitsune exemplifies the ideals of Unfettered winds (Fu), allowing your troops to quickly navigate the battlefield and get in position. As an ambusher, the Kitsune Bakasu enhances the Unfettered (Fu) Ideal Cards and provides access to mobility and maneuverability themed Yoroni Disciplines. As Yoroni Characters share their Ideal Cards’ effects with the Regiment they are attached to make sure to experiment and attach the Daimyo to Regiment of other Ideals as well, allowing for a ton of customization and options!
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