NameWW3 T-72 Tankovy Company (Plastic)
EAN / ISBN9420020227583
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T-72 Tank Company (TSBX01)
Includes five plastic T-72 tanks, one plastic tank commander sprue and three Unit Cards.
Following the classic Soviet doctrine, the T-72 was easy to manufacture, simple to use, robust, and reliable. It mounted a powerful 125mm gun with an autoloader to replace the loader, producing a compact and relatively light tank with a significantly greater level of armour protection, powered by a reliable, tried and tested engine.

The Soviet Union’s most powerful forces are stationed in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, poised on the border with West Germany ready to strike at a moment’s notice. They are equipped with the very best Soviet industry has to offer, from sophisticated missile firing T-80 and T-64 tanks, powerful T-72 tanks, and tough, reliable, and upgraded T-62M and T-55AM tanks to versatile BMP infantry fighting vehicles, as well as plentiful BTR-60 armoured personnel carriers. Supported by elite Afgansty Air Assault troops, powerful self-propelled artillery there will be little that the corrupt capitalist armies of NATO can do to stop them. Soon the western workers will be free and the dawn of a new socialist age will begin!