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Dungeons and Dragons, das Rollenspiel, das uns seit 50 Jahren so viel Freude schenkt, bringt noch in diesem Jahr die ersten beiden der drei Grundbücher auf den Markt.
Den Start macht das „Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Player's Handbook“, welches am 17.09.2024 erscheinen soll und mit 384 Seiten so dick sein wird, wie noch nie.

Die Möglichkeiten, die dem Spieler geboten werden, sind umfangreicher denn je. Alles wurde akribisch geprüft und überarbeitet, um eine Verbesserung und Verfeinerung der erfolgreichen aktuellen 5ten Edition zu erreichen.
Ein großer Vorteil ist, dass alle Spielerrelevanten Informationen an einem Ort übersichtlich gebündelt wurden. (inklusive Alphabetischem Glossar…)

Der „Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide“ und das „Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Monster Manual“ wurden im selben Grad überarbeitet und folgen im November 2024 bzw. Februar 2025.

Zu den Büchern:
Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Player's Handbook
Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Monster Manual

Neuheiten zum Vorbestellen:
Chessex macht Urlaub!
Die Firma Chessex schliesst für ca 4 Wochen Ihre Pforten. Wir bitten euch, eure Bestellungen
entsprechend zu planen und bis spätestens 10.07.2024 einzureichen,
damit wir ein Würfelsommerloch vermeiden können.

Chessex is on vacation!
The company is closing its doors for about 4 weeks. We kindly ask you to plan your orders
accordingly and submit them by 10.07.2024 at the latest,
so that we can avoid a dice summer slump.
Airas Box Serie S
Airas Box Serie M
Balda Extra Serie S
Balda Extra Serie M
4 Simple Mini Dials
Rochela Mixed - Portable Painting Studio
Rochela P36 - Portable Painting Studio
Rochela P26 - Portable Painting Studio
German WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
UK WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
Soviet WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
Japan WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
EEUU WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
Finland WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
Italian WWII Console - Bolt Action Compatible
Command Console Beyond Kaldstrom designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Invincible Army designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Kosmoflot designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Nomads Tunguska designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Oniwaban designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Endsong designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Sekban Haqqislam designed for Infinity the Game
Command Console Varuna designed for Infinity the Game
Kill Team Tokens Orange Pack
Kill Team Tokens Green Pack
Objective Areas League of Wotan 40K 10ED COMPATIBLE
Objective Banners Imperium Of Man
Objective Banners Traitors
Objective Banners New Order
Objective Banners Ancient Lineage
Objective Banners Cabala Warriors
Objective Banners The Devourer
Objective Banners The Awakened
Objective Banners Green Horde
Objective Banners Battle Nuns
Objective Banners Changing
Objective Banners Pandemic
Objective Banners GK
Objective Banners Wotan
Line of Defense -warzone Terra - Pre painted terrain set
Line of Defense - Warzone Thallarn- Pre painted terrain set
Line of Defense - Warzone khallisus-Pre painted terrain set
Three Storey Ruins Pack - Imperial World 1
Three Storey Ruins Pack - Imperial World 2
Three Storey Ruins Pack - Mechanic World
Three Storey Ruins Pack - New Order World
Three Storey Ruins Pack - Chaos World
Three Storey Ruins Pack - Necro World
Two Storey Ruins Pack -Imperial World 1
Two Storey Ruins Pack - Imperial World 2
Two Storey Ruins Pack - Mechanic World
Two Storey Ruins Pack - New Order World
Two Storey Ruins Pack - Chaos World
Two Storey Ruins Pack - Necro World
Wall -Imperial World 1
Wall - Imperial World 2
Wall - Mechanic World
Wall - New Order World
Wall - Chaos World
Wall - Necro World
Container Pack
40k battlefield ruins area - Imperium
40k battlefield ruins area - Chaos
40k battlefield ruins area - MeC
40k battlefield ruins area - New Order
40k battlefield ruins area - Necro
WTC battlefield ruins area - Imperium
WTC battlefield ruins area - Chaos
WTC battlefield ruins area - MeC
WTC battlefield ruins area - New Order
WTC battlefield ruins area - Necro
2D Terrain winter forest
2D Terrain Oasis
Pillar Set
Hammer´s Temple
Town Ruins- Prepainted Terrain Pack
Palisade - Wall
Palisade - Curved Wall
Palisade -Tower
Palisade - Door
FORT PACK (Empalizada)
Arid Wastelands Play Mat 44"x60" by KRB STUDIO
Artic Planes Play Mat44"X60" by KRB STUDIO
Forgotten Shirne Play Mat 44"X60" by KRB STUDIO
Swarm Hive Play Mat 44"X60" by KRB STUDIO
Volcanic World Play Mat 44"x60" by KRB STUDIO
Warzone Alfa Play Mat 44"x60" by KRB STUDIO
Arid Wastelands Play Mat 44"x60" by KRB STUDIO with deployment zones for warhammer 40k 10 edition
Artic Planes Play Mat44"X60" by KRB STUDIO with deployment zones for warhammer 40k 10 edition
Forgotten Shirne Play Mat 44"X60" by KRB STUDIO with deployment zones for warhammer 40k 10 edition
Swarm Hive Play Mat 44"X60" by KRB STUDIO with deployment zones for warhammer 40k 10 edition
Volcanic World Play Mat 44"x60" by KRB STUDIO with deployment zones for warhammer 40k 10 edition